I Won A Reduction 4 Years Ago From, Should I File Again?
Yes, This has been an extremely unusual year , many homes not entitled to reduction last year, are definitely entitled to LARGE reductions this year. It’s FREE to find out if you are entitled to reduction.
I Think My Taxes Are Low, And I Don’t Want To Raise A Red Flag.
Even if you are under assessed- they cannot raise your assessment unless they reassess the entire area. There is ABSOLUTELY no down side to filing a grievance.
Does Filing A Property Tax Grievance Affect My Star Program?
No, a grievance has no effect on your Basic Star exemption.
How Long Does A Tax Grievance Take?
The tax grievance process can take over a year from beginning to end. However, regardless of when your case is settled, a reduction is retroactive to the beginning of the tax year for which you filed.
I Grieved My Taxes Last Year ,But Haven’t Heard Yet. Should I Reapply This Year?
Yes. If you don’t grieve by the tax deadline, you miss that opportunity for that tax year. So grieve your taxes this year – if you win a reduction, your new application will be dismissed.
How Often Can I File A Tax Grievance?
Unless you received a reduction in the prior year, you can file a grievance every year. If you received a reduction in the prior year, your must wait one year to file another grievance.
What is The Tax Grievance Deadline?
In Suffolk County, the tax grievance deadline is always the third Tuesday in May.
Will Anyone From The Assessor’s Office Conduct An Inspection Inside My Home?
No one from the assessor’s office will come to your home.
Can They Raise My Taxes Because I Filed A Grievance Myself?
NO. Under no circumstances can your taxes be raised due to filing a tax grievance. Your assessment can only go down or remain the same.
Can I File A Property Tax Grievance Myself
Yes. However, we find that most homeowners who file for themselves don’t get the reduction they deserve. Some people simply don’t have the time or may become intimidated by all the paperwork involved in grieving property taxes.
Why Should I File A Tax Grievance?
If you believe your property taxes are too high, we can make a quick determination to see if that might be true. If you are overpaying, you deserve a reduction, which can only be obtained by filing a property tax grievance. You could save hundreds – even thousands – of dollars each year by grieving your taxes!
What is A Property Tax Grievance
A Property Tax Grievance is a complaint filed against a town’s assessed value on a particular parcel of property. If we can prove your home is worth less than that value, based on sales of comparable properties, we will accept your grievance. If there are sales in your area that are equal and above that value, we will send you a letter stating that, in our opinion, you have no case. If a nearby home is similar to yours, and has lower property taxes, it may mean that they are under-assessed; it is not a basis for accepting your case. The easiest cases to win are those on homes that have been purchased within the last year or homes that are currently for sale. If your home is currently for sale, we can supply a letter stating an estimated reduction of your taxes.
Other Questions?
Call Cori @ Tax Griever Today!
(631) 470-6033
or email